Giving Thanks

Since losing baby Tadem I have become a bit more introspective than I already am. I decided to start this blog today on a complete whim to remind myself every evening of the simple pleasures and blessings in life!  It is my "high tech" way of journaling and also being able to share it with those I love!  We just celebrated our first Thanksgiving as a family of 4! It was a ton of fun with the family over and friends stopping by. We also managed with a wee bit of oven trouble to get a mouth watering turkey!  Today, I am giving thanks for a beautiful cool day that allowed the boys to play outside virtually all day together. It brings me such joy to see their beautiful smiles!  As sad as this past month has been, I realized sitting in the sunshine today and listening to the squeals, that we are so very, very blessed this holiday season!  What are you thankful for?


cindy said…
I am thankful that you are thankful. Cindy
JJ said…
Just keep the faith kids and always appreciate the little things we so often take for granted. Glad you are doing a little better. Now if you could just get your father to quit trying to kill me. :-)
Anonymous said…
just remember tadem is in a better place looking over you as we speak! rip tadem! <333
nikib said…
i think this is a great way to channel your thoughts. i love to live through your family and their experiences. yall have been through a tough month but everything seems to be on the upswing. yall are so blessed and i love to hear that the boys were squealing with love and laughter. it brings a smile to my face. good luck with the holidays, i think we all need all the luck to get through the holidays, on a yearly basis. love ya always, niki
Maureen said…
Jen, I love the pics. of the boys. they are soooo cute, I hope to see you over the holidays,Maureen

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