Shut Eye

I have always said no sleep is a legit form of torture.  I would like to reiterate that.  It's only been 5 days, but 5 days in an ICU with a toddler is beyond a full time job.  Then there's Paxton who is "still attached to the umbilical cord" according to my husband.  This makes it twice the work. I can't even pee without him screaming for me. So I pee in the room with the door open and in walks the nurse.  Eh' what the frig ever. Who cares at this point. I just know that Pax and I need some serious shut eye. It's nearing 11:30 and we are both still up.  Mind you we get woken up throughout the night for whatever med he is due for, then come 5 a.m. on the money in comes xray.  I can barely keep my eyes open right now.  I can barely keep my eyes open all day actually. This last month is catching up with me. Scratch that, these past two years are catching up with me.  I went to shower and brush my teeth for the first time today at Ronald McDonald (y'all should put your change in there at Mcdonalds when you get your daily diet cokes, cause its for peeps like me, oh' wait not everyone goes first thing in the morning for a diet coke...whatchoosay?) at FOUR PM, yes 4 pm.  I'm sexy and I know it.
I can't break away from the cobra unless he's sleeping and today was a loong day so 4 pm it was.  I can stink and wear the same clothes if that's what he wants...wait, demands. I didn't after all just have open heart surgery, so he kinda calls the shots around here.

Paxton is having some post surgery lung issues.  His right lung has progressively gotten worse the last 3 days with fluid filling in it. This morning, which is why I couldn't break away sooner to groom myself, was a sedated contrast CT to determine where the fluid is coming from. He's still really wet this far out and his edecrin (a diuretic, the big gun one I hear) isn't quite cutting it.  It has been determined that Pax has some collaterals in there that may need to be coiled off. Why these weren't seen on his previous cath I am still unsure of. That is why a pre fontan cath is performed.... I am hoping to get answers to these questions tomorrow. Today I spent a great part of the morning in tears, because, well because.... I stunk, I miss my boys and Pax was NPO at midnight and was up from 2 am on begging and I mean begging for water.  He was NPO for 10 hours. It was hell. on. earth.  Ok a little dramatic, but it was bad enough to have me crying in Paxtons bed this morning.
Austin and Mason both caught their first fishes today with Daddy in our lake.  He was recording how Austin had finally learned to cast his line and low and behold, he caught his fist fish on camera. It hurt so good to see.
I believe baby boy is out which means I have, have, have to follow suit so that I can be on my A game, erh....lets go more with C game, for my main man tomorrow. I could write all night, but I have to check out for now.  Wanted to update my peeps/prayer warriors of course.  Paxton, while sleep deprived and highly, highly annoyed at being touched by anyone other than me, is keeping keepin' on.  He has his moments, but rallies with a sly smile just when I think the sh*% is about to hit the fan.  His resilience could teach us all a lot!

Mother of the year award goes to.... ME for falling asleep with one butt cheek hanging off the bed while the patient is still awake!  Pax looks all kinds of protective over me though. The whatrulookingat look to my SIL who so kindly took this mother of the year award picture!
Night night friends. I will update after rounds tomorrow. Ok lets be real, I will update same time, same place tomorrow.

Love and hugs~


Me said…
love the sidewinder look!

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