Evan or Emma???

Although it is early and we are walking very delicately through this pregnancy, we have chosen to be excited and allow whatever God has in store for us to happen. We had a mini scare this weekend. I had a bit of spotting and severe cramping which led me to the doctors office today. After much anxiety I was beyond relieved to see our little baby's heart beating away at 184 per minute. I was slightly anxious about that large of a number as the boys (all three of them =) were all in the 140's. Our wonderful ultrasound tech wasn't the least bit worried and I made her promise that I shouldn't be either. An old wives tale says that the higher the heart rate means a girl and the lower the heart rate means boy??? Not only was the baby's ticker ticking away but "she" was moving! At 9 weeks "she" was squiggling like a little worm. It gave me such hope to see an already active baby, whereas Tadem was not. It was downright amazing to me to see the difference 10 days can make from the first ultrasound to todays! I am brimming with hope and continue to pray for a whole and healthy baby to add to our bunch. Other than sheer exhaustion I am doing well. The really bad morning sickness has ceased for the most part and I am looking forward to hitting the 16 week mark with flying colors. Please continue to keep us in your prayers!
So, the boys are more than thrilled with our new house. Obviously, its bigger. We needed the room for our expanding family. There are many places to run and hide. They have decided to take hiding to a whole new level. Check them out in these photos.

In the back of my closet, on top of two huge tupperware bins full of maternity clothes (soon to be broken out)
And yes, they are naked!!!! I don't know how to make them stop stripping!

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