Surprise! Surprise!
In my last post I mentioned a surprise that I had in store for you. Well, now that the cat is out of the bag here on the home front I figured I could tell all of my blogging friends. Not that there are many but to those who stop by I am grateful. I started this blog after the unexpected loss of our third baby. This blog as silly as it sounds, has been here for me when it seems no one else was. There were times that no one around me could possibly understand the depth of my loss and so I came to my keyboard where there was no judgement. I come to you in a different place now. I have been on my knees in the depths of grief over my baby and now with time and grief counseling I have found acceptance. I will never, ever forget my baby Tadem and I think of him daily but I have also rounded the corner and I can remember without the pain. It forever changed me and for that I am grateful. I am a different person now because of my loss but I believe I am better for it!
Today this blog is also going to take a turn in a different direction. Here is why:
I am pregnant! Baby #4 Is Official!
I am excited and terrified all at the same time. I am so grateful that we have been blessed once again. I fell to my knees when I saw the two lines show up in our bathroom and bowed over the toilet in prayer. I prayed for a healthy baby this time around. I prayed that we do not lose this child and bear the burden of the loss of a child again! As scared as I am, I have committed myself to enjoying each day and remembering how precious each moment is. I will do what I can and leave the rest up to God. I want this baby to grow up in a belly full of excitement and happiness, not worry and fear. Please keep us in your thoughts as we embark on this next journey. We are due October 22, 2009. My birthday is October 2 and I tend to always go three weeks early, so we are shooting for my birthday! I promise to keep you posted as my belly (hopefully) grows! I will continue to use this blog as an outlet for myself. I have wonderful news and I will highlight that as we go with a few tributes along the way. I have not yet met my due date for Tadem and I know that day will be hard but I am focusing forward. I hope you will come along for the ride...
Today we went to the children's parade that my sister danced in. The boys had such a blast and were so well behaved! Austin spent most of the time hanging with the "big" boys (his Dad and his Pa Paw) and Mason hung out with Me Me and Mommy! They are now tucked in bed completely tuckered out from their big day! I got some great pictures and will leave you with those. XOXO

And when we got home after bath time it was fight time =)

p.s here is my sister in her gear (had to sneak her in here for embarrassment purposes)

Today this blog is also going to take a turn in a different direction. Here is why:
I am pregnant! Baby #4 Is Official!
I am excited and terrified all at the same time. I am so grateful that we have been blessed once again. I fell to my knees when I saw the two lines show up in our bathroom and bowed over the toilet in prayer. I prayed for a healthy baby this time around. I prayed that we do not lose this child and bear the burden of the loss of a child again! As scared as I am, I have committed myself to enjoying each day and remembering how precious each moment is. I will do what I can and leave the rest up to God. I want this baby to grow up in a belly full of excitement and happiness, not worry and fear. Please keep us in your thoughts as we embark on this next journey. We are due October 22, 2009. My birthday is October 2 and I tend to always go three weeks early, so we are shooting for my birthday! I promise to keep you posted as my belly (hopefully) grows! I will continue to use this blog as an outlet for myself. I have wonderful news and I will highlight that as we go with a few tributes along the way. I have not yet met my due date for Tadem and I know that day will be hard but I am focusing forward. I hope you will come along for the ride...
Today we went to the children's parade that my sister danced in. The boys had such a blast and were so well behaved! Austin spent most of the time hanging with the "big" boys (his Dad and his Pa Paw) and Mason hung out with Me Me and Mommy! They are now tucked in bed completely tuckered out from their big day! I got some great pictures and will leave you with those. XOXO
And when we got home after bath time it was fight time =)
p.s here is my sister in her gear (had to sneak her in here for embarrassment purposes)