Beds, Brothers & Bellies

Today we had a check up on Paxton. We are two weeks out from his delivery and his heart remains unchanged at this point, which in this instance is a good thing. He continues to practice his breathing, weighs 6 pounds 2 ounces and is 18 inches long!!!! Way to go Paxton! The fact that he continues to grow and thrive is such a blessing. I can NOT believe we are so close to meeting him, I am a mix of emotions, but when I saw that face on the screen today in 3 D, I was reminded that above all else I am so excited to meet our son. This will be an uphill battle for sure, but I am ready to face this head on. I want to get this show on the road so we can get our boy home. Please continue to pray for Paxton!


Since its been awhile, I decided to post and show just how much Paxton has grown! He is definetly running out of room and makes it known with the jabs, kicks and punches that he gives me. My strong boy!

Yes, I am in my husbands shirt. I have like 3 shirts that fit me at this point and I am not getting anything new since we are so close. So I just wear my man's clothes and boy are they comfortable. If only I could wear them in public, but I would never do that to my kids or my husband. I won't be "that" Mom = )


Then there's my other two! My wild, fearless toddlers who will beat each other up and fight over "MY MOMMY" one minute only to do this the next:

And this:

Annnddd again:

I am thinking maybe we should have just gotten one big bed to share because yet again:

the boys wind up sleeping in the same bed together nearly every single night. No matter how much of the hair pulling, pushing, shoving, screeching that goes on; at the end of the day they love each other as only brothers can.

How in love I am...

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