Spring Has Sprung

If there's anything I can say about having boys, it's that you live your life outdoors. 

 I love that about them. I also love cool weather, but what I really love is a day like today. Where the sun shines warm on our faces, the wind blowing through making Paxton catch his breath as he learns how to react when a force of air glides across his face. 

 Paxton lays down on a blanket in the grass for the first time and stares at the ever so blue sky. The same sky full of clouds that his brother Austin swears he sees a crab and an octopus as he looks up at the shapes those clouds are transformed into. I giggle at his imagination!

Chubby little feet slap the pavement when they run and get buried in the grass.

They ram their mini four wheelers into trees so hard that it knocks them backwards and off, only to fall into fits of laughter in the grass at their super cool trick they just performed.

  Taking time to love on our cat who also seems to be enjoying the weather.

Chasing each other down the "big" slide!

Laughing big belly laughs that are music to Mommy's ears. 

Spring, how you make us all smile, lighten the load and refresh us when we need it so. 

Happy Spring My Friends~

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Neha said…
Loved the pictures and especially Praxton in such good health :)

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