It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This

We had a wonderful Christmas.  From packing up in the mini to go see all of the twinkling lights.

To opening presents Christmas morning and spending time with friends and family. The boys were enamoured with it all.  The parties, the presents, the company! The only dilemma was explaining to the boys that every day is not Christmas. They woke up this morning primed and ready for the next party.

Clearly Mason likes presents! Actually neither could contain themselves at the mere sight of shiny wrapping paper. It was really quite priceless to hear the screeches! 

I had to post this picture of Austin showing off his new "kicks" because the child has a passion for shoes like nobody I have ever known.  Why, I've no idea, but they appear to be some sort of comfort object to him...what do you think?

Every single night, he asks for his kicks before going to bed!  As I have mentioned before, I choose to pick my battles in life and if he finds his kicks comforting then kicks he can have.  


This is the very first picture of me with all of my boys that I was able to capture. Not bad right?
I look at this picture and realize how amazingly blessed I am.  Three beautiful, intelligent, perfect boys! 

Life is good. Paxton continues to maintain here at home. While he went through a bout of refusing to eat, we seem to be on the upswing of that as of today! Phew! I was a nervous nelly and had only a handful of meltdowns worrying that we were on the verge of something not good.  As history shows, I doubted "P-Man" and he rose above whatever was ailing him. He continues to smile, coo and grow! I mean little man has a double chin now and just today I saw the beginnings of cheese forming on his thighs! 

I spent some time giving thanks and wondering where we will be next year at this time. I am blown away by the changes we have encountered in twelve months and am excited to see what this next year has in store for us for.

It really just doesn't get any better than this...
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