When You're At The End Of Your Rope

Tie A Knot And Hang On!

Whew. It is good to be home, but to say it's been easy would be a lie. Paxton has a lot going on right now.  He isn't sleeping. At All.  He is up every hour and a half to two hours.  I am guessing he is adjusting to the new blood flow from his surgery. Probably still has headaches from this and given that he is still scratching his head I am guessing it hurts. He also has one of his upper front teeth coming in. To top all of this off he is sick with a cold and the amount of snot this child is producing would win medals.  I can't pick him up under his arms for six weeks as his ribs are still healing and are only held by wires, this is difficult since we all know a good Mom whips her kids onto those birthing hips from where else but under the arms.  He can't go in his jumper, which he loves because I don't know how to get him out except by picking him up from under his arms.  Poor little man is probably a little bored to say the least and Mommy jumping around like a wild woman is only funny for so long.  He continues to smile at his brothers in awe. They really are the cats meow to him and they love Paxton just as much in return. 

The kisses are constant

(taken with my phone so kinda crappy)
and Austin now gets his bink if he cries and not so gently shoves it into his mouth in an attempt to help him feel better. Lucky for us Paxton has had open heart surgery twice so not to much bothers him.  I can NOT wait until Paxton is in the thick of the chaos that an almost 3 and 4 year old bring. We have spent our days back at home enjoying our friends, grilling and playing outside. The boys are in hog heaven with company to play with and my cup runneth over seeing the joy on their faces!

Little sleep and bags under the eyes or not, life is good!  We are home and we are happy! There's just no where I would rather be than with my babies.  I realize as they run about leaving toys in their wake, stripping down to run around naked ( I hear this is normal with toddlers...) screeching at each other, climbing, jumping, trash digging, getting into mommy's make up, mess making boys that these are the days!  This is what it's all about! This is why I can barely return texts, definitely don't return phone calls, emails...not so much. It all goes to the wayside because these times with my children take precedence over it all. This is what I have wanted all the days of my life and I am soaking it all in. I hope ya'll understand. It's nothing personal, it's just that three boys take up nearly all of my time and I wouldn't have it any other way!  I will have all the time in the world years from now. So rain check please ; ) I'm going to snuggle with this:

Thank you all for the prayers for our son! They worked once again. I am working on a special Paxton post but all the pics to upload take time and again... I don't have a whole heck of a lot of that ; )

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charity said…
Awwww I love that you dont have time it is awesome,, def dont know how you do it, i never have time, and i just have chublet. Sorry lil man is having headaches,,and teeth issues... we put asher's binks in the freezer and he seems to like that. It is funny you mention pulling on his hair, or scratching his head, asher does that alot hmmm
Neha said…
Really very happy that things are getting back on track. Enjoy your time with your three babies. You all deserve it! Hope Paxton feels better soon!
zaneymama said…
Glad to hear everythings going so well! Way to go Paxton! He is so adorable! Zoey is just about 2 months out from her Glenn and is doing fabulous. She is sitting, rolling, and doing everything else a 6mo old should be! For awhile after the surgery, she was a little behind with milestones, but has seemed to catch up in a fury. She did have a PT working with her- because her chest and sternum got so tight from no movement under the arms for so long. She caught right up though, and the PT said usually the heart babes catch up super fast with a little support. I'm sure with two big brothers- Paxton will be movin and groovin in no time! Hope the headaches subside soon... Funny how even when things are hard- we still appreciate every hard moment! God Bless!
Angela Pruess
cici said…
I always think no news is good news. As much as I love reading your blog with those cute pics, it is probably best that you are too busy with your little family to post often. Just know he is in my prayers as always and you too.
Stay Happy

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