Easter 2010

Lots of things have been going on here at the West house.  Easter was so much fun with two little boys who have clearly begun to understand holidays and what special treats might be in for them.  It melted my heart to hear their fat feet slapping the tile as they searched the house still groggy from sleep for the Easter baskets that were left for them.  

Watching the joy on their faces as they searched the yard for hidden Easter eggs with their friends. Running as fast as could they could to get them all. Sometimes stopping to crack one open for a jelly bean or two.  Or realizing that Mason dove into a chocolate easter egg so quickly he forgot to take the foil wrapper off (cringe...) 

Oh to be an innocent child again where counting candies was the mission for the day.

We gathered for family pictures, the likes of Paxtons next surgery looming before us made me feel an intense need to get us all together.  The mission was a tough one, trying to get 5 sets of eyes staring at the camera all at once was not easy. 

Then again, it's the moments unplanned that make for the best family photos.  The raw love a Mother has for her children is nearly palpable.

How freaking blessed am I...

God never gives us more than we can handle and this Easter I realized that I am pretty honored to come to the realization that not only does HE feel that I can handle three boys, HE also feels that I can handle one of which is pretty darn sick.  I feel proud. When I look at these pictures I realize we are all right where we are supposed to be. I realize that while we are most certainly not a perfect family, we are pretty darn amazing.  We don't give up. We fall down, but we get back up. Together, we can do anything.

Happy First Easter Paxie. Happy Third Easter Moo Moo, Happy Fourth Easter Austi and a Big Happy Easter to my husband who continues to help guide me through this journey.  

I wonder where we will be next year at this time...

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Neha said…
Loved the pictures and true that it's the unplanned moments that are best captured! You all sure had a great Easter!
Nikki Comer said…
Hey, nice post.
I love Easter because it is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.

Hope you had a Egg-ceptional, Eggs-traordinary Easter !!!


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