Praise God!

(although blurry on here, in our hands it's so vivid and perfect)
Yesterday we went for a "redo ultrasound." It was more than I could have ever asked for. She scanned me for nearly half an hour and showed us every inch of our baby. H/she was kicking, waving and even swallowing. Lips puckered and all. It was breathtaking. You would think after as many ultrasounds as I have been to in the last 3 years that it might get a little old, but it never does. If anything, this one was the most special, I needn't say why.
Our ultrasound tech, had a perfect view of the under area and although we may be a little early to tell, and she didn't reveal because of course, as always, it's a surprise, I saw a special smile cross her face while inspecting. Hmm... Time will tell. What do I want you ask, a healthy and whole baby. Would l like a little girl power in the house, oh yes! Can I see myself with all boys, FOR SURE! Only God knows and well...maybe our ultrasound tech.
After yesterday, I truly feel that I can begin to get excited. She ranted and raved about how every single thing on the baby looked perfect. We saw the brain, all four chambers of the heart, everything! It was amazing. I think she knew that I needed that more than anything right now and her time, her words and her smiles were irreplaceable. They told me, everything was going to be ok. So many people have been telling me lately, all on their own, that this baby is going to be ok. I like to think it's God working through those around me to bring me peace with this pregnancy. I think I may have found it. Do I believe I will have nervous days and bumps in the road ahead, absolutely, but we are passed a crucial point and from here all I can do is continue to pray for God's will to be done. I am giddy and happy and showing. Such a blessing, an unbelievable blessing, yet again. Praise God!
Ok, so if you know my boys, which some of you that read really do, then take a peek at the picture and tell me who the baby resembles. The similarities are insanely noticeable in person, even our ultrasound tech said it!

Here is the new baby again!

And then we have a very similar looking baby... (although blurry, the profiles are strikingly similar)

Yes, my friends, that is Mr. Austin at exactly the same time in gestation. She just zoomed in on the new baby so h/she appears to be much bigger but is not. Their profiles are IDENTICAL! Makes me wonder if it's another boy...

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