Who Knew
Long time, no see guys! I have been sooo sick, but am better now. Before I got sick, I had big plans. The plans were to help my sister, who has never gone over 5 miles run a half marathon. I had my mind set on doing this when I got sick so I prayed and pretty much begged God to get me better before the big day and he listened.

You may or may not know that running is in my blood. While I didn't get the fast "gene" I did get the can go forever slowly gene = ). My dad has been a runner forever, ran in college and coached me all through high school. My freshman year of high school was when I decided to do my first half marathon. I did it and I did it with no walking. That's my Dad's rule. Run as slow and steady as you need to, but NO walking. So, since my sister is going to be a freshman in high school next year, she decided it was time she completed her first half. The moment she told me that she was doing it, I started training so I could surprise her on the big day. Not nearly enough time to train properly, but I did get up to six miles. SOOO much of a half marathon is mental strength and I knew I could do it. I knew that all we had been through these past few months made a half marathon seem easy as pie. While it wasn't quite easy as pie, I did finish! My sister finished and we DID NOT WALK! I am so proud of us! I have always said that running the half's are my proudest accomplishments in life after giving birth. So I am proudly sharing our half marathon pics, while not very pretty, I am proud enough of us to share! We DID IT!!! Great job Ash, I am so proud of you!!!
This was the shirt I wore the entire race and if ever I struggled, I would look down and remember all he has endured and I knew I could do it!
And we're off!
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
I think I can! I think I can!
( My sister Ashley)
And After!!! Not bad for having just run 13.1 miles!
Updates on Paxton and the boys coming soon! Lots of pics and catching up to do. So swing back by soon!