West Family~2009

2009 starts with a bang as we prepare to move and try again at getting pregnant. Here are Austin and Mason in January 2009. The changes in just one year are amazing!

We say good bye to our old home and hello to our new one!

Ma Ma finds out she's pregnant! Happy Valentines Day Honey!
We finally take the plunge and break the boys of their paci's. They did better than we ever imagined!

We move Mason to his "big boy bed" although it takes some time for him to begin actually staying in it! Instead he chose the floor.

The boys first Easter egg hunt and they caught right on!
Our first trip to Sea World to see all of the "aminals"

Austin is potty trained F-I-N-A-L-L-Y
Dave's ahem...20th high school reunion

Continued on the next post...

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