School's Out For Summer!
Today was Austins last day of preschool for Summer. I say that lightly because he will be going to Summer camp at the same place. We are doing this to keep him adjusted to leaving his Ma Ma. You see, it was only about 2 months ago that I was able to drop him off without full blown kicking, screaming, flailing himself on the floor in the middle of the hallway, dead weight, so no one could even remotely pick him up without breaking their backs. The kid knows what he's doing! I was not about to start this fiasco all over again in the fall, sooo.. .high ho high ho, it's off to camp Austin goes! He can go as many days per week from 7:30 to 5:30 that we so desire. He has yet to ever stay past 11:45 so I am not sure what we will do as far as camp hours go. We may try Monday, Wednesday and Friday and see how it goes. We have no choice but to pay for the whole week so I figure we may as well get an extra day out of it, no...
So, annnyyywayyy, I love my tangents. Today was the last day of preschool (part time, fyi), which by the way has helped him beyond measure as far as socialization and "cutting the cord"( as Dave would say) from his Mommy. I recommend it to anyone on the fence. The class had a party and I got to go and if you haven't been around Austin lately, you should know the kid loves a party. Hmmm...wonder where he got that from? It was precious. He got his diploma and had one last go round with his favorite and first friends: Jake, Lanie, Lucas and Dylan.

Of course, we cannot leave out his best friend: Jack. Austin will tell you at any given time that hands down, Jack is the coolest!

They will be in camp together this Summer and for that I am grateful. It was a small class of six kids and that is one of the main reasons we picked this school. Teacher to student ratio is awesome!
His teachers, Miss Barbara and Miss Brenda, were exceptional! Miss Brenda, really seemed to understand that Austin is a tad sensitive and highly attached to his Mom. She worked with him and used a patience I thought was pretty darn admirable given that he wasn't her child. Austin sensed this patience about her and practically ran straight to her every time we got to class. She personally gave him extra time and attention after we lost Tadem and sent home a lovely note for me as well. It meant a lot because it was not easy for me to drop my boy off kicking and screaming.

In any case, it was a fun party. One last hurrah and an acute reminder that time flies by. That before our very eyes, our babies are growing up and learning how to make it in the world. It's bittersweet and I definitely felt weepy these last two days as we prepare to end one phase and begin another. I couldn't be more proud of the adjustments Austin has made this past school year. He has truly turned into a big boy and it just blows my mind! This fall Mason joins the forces and I have no doubt the West boys will leave their mark.
Then we have moments like these, that remind me of the endless work I am in for, raising two (possibly 3) boys!

Yes, they climbed up on the stool and got into the toothpaste. They have this complete obsession with toothpaste! And yes, it looks like I left them alone in my bathroom for hours, when in fact I just went pee. I mean can a girl get 20 seconds to go potty. Mmm hmm...that's Mason teetering on my stool, hanging on by his chubbly little fingers with Austin behind him, checking himself out in the mirror. If you look close you can even see my pregnant self in the mirror. What a lovely family pic!

What you can see is Mason and my counter covered in toothpaste and Austin apparently "bringing sexy back" caressing his own hair in the mirror. (Maybe we should cut back on how much we tell him how gorgeous he is.) The picture of Austin is blurry and that is due to the fact that somewhere between finding them like this, running to get my camera and prepping to take the pictures even I managed to get toothpaste on the lens of my camera. What you can't see is the toothpaste covering, and I do mean covering, the mirrors and floor. Gal darn, toothpaste is sticky! Who knew, I mean it turns to bubbles when you put it on your teeth, but try to wipe it off a mirror and it's like wiping a newborns heiny after their first BM.
Then, the other day Dave goes to get the boys out of their room at an all to early hour and finds Austin standing on his dresser. I freaked out and told Dave we must get rid of the dresser and everything in their room. They can sleep on nap mats like I used to in kindergarten, after all that is safest! "It's not worth it!" I said in a wavering voice (more like screaming because the face my husband was giving me did not sit well) So I thought about a plan for some time and who would have thought my brainiac self would have ever invented a baby proofing gadget like THIS:

Feel free to gank it and use it in your own home. It may be ghetto fab, but guess what? It works. He cannot use the drawers to climb on the dresser. Nevermind that the dresser is useless, given that I am not unraveling ALL of that mess to get into it, but at least they still have a piece of furniture left in their room that I feel won't cause bodily harm at this time. Although I have no doubt they will find something else to screw with.
Finally, there's my nudist, who cannot keep a diaper on for annnyyythhingg! We have tried the zip up jammies, button up jammies, backwards jammies, you name it and we have done it. So now, we have resorted to THIS:

Yep, duct tape. Works like a friggin charm! I think I have just found my "mother invention" that I always say I am going to come up with and make millions. Diapers that already come prepped and ready with a strip of duct tape on them. Then I don't have to remember after forgetting, just before the last nights diaper change. Only to have to put Austin down, go find a pair of scissors, cut a piece of tape off, to then chase him around once more to tape the diaper and put on his jammies.
Oh' except I don't have time to invent anything so someone feel free to steal my idea because at this point the pre made diapers are more important than the millions. Did I just say that... =)
Wow, BOYS! I am tired just writing all of this. Imagine being me; having to invent, clean, chase and rig all that I have just written about. Whew! Time for a happy nap!
So, annnyyywayyy, I love my tangents. Today was the last day of preschool (part time, fyi), which by the way has helped him beyond measure as far as socialization and "cutting the cord"( as Dave would say) from his Mommy. I recommend it to anyone on the fence. The class had a party and I got to go and if you haven't been around Austin lately, you should know the kid loves a party. Hmmm...wonder where he got that from? It was precious. He got his diploma and had one last go round with his favorite and first friends: Jake, Lanie, Lucas and Dylan.
Of course, we cannot leave out his best friend: Jack. Austin will tell you at any given time that hands down, Jack is the coolest!
They will be in camp together this Summer and for that I am grateful. It was a small class of six kids and that is one of the main reasons we picked this school. Teacher to student ratio is awesome!
His teachers, Miss Barbara and Miss Brenda, were exceptional! Miss Brenda, really seemed to understand that Austin is a tad sensitive and highly attached to his Mom. She worked with him and used a patience I thought was pretty darn admirable given that he wasn't her child. Austin sensed this patience about her and practically ran straight to her every time we got to class. She personally gave him extra time and attention after we lost Tadem and sent home a lovely note for me as well. It meant a lot because it was not easy for me to drop my boy off kicking and screaming.
In any case, it was a fun party. One last hurrah and an acute reminder that time flies by. That before our very eyes, our babies are growing up and learning how to make it in the world. It's bittersweet and I definitely felt weepy these last two days as we prepare to end one phase and begin another. I couldn't be more proud of the adjustments Austin has made this past school year. He has truly turned into a big boy and it just blows my mind! This fall Mason joins the forces and I have no doubt the West boys will leave their mark.
Then we have moments like these, that remind me of the endless work I am in for, raising two (possibly 3) boys!
Yes, they climbed up on the stool and got into the toothpaste. They have this complete obsession with toothpaste! And yes, it looks like I left them alone in my bathroom for hours, when in fact I just went pee. I mean can a girl get 20 seconds to go potty. Mmm hmm...that's Mason teetering on my stool, hanging on by his chubbly little fingers with Austin behind him, checking himself out in the mirror. If you look close you can even see my pregnant self in the mirror. What a lovely family pic!
What you can see is Mason and my counter covered in toothpaste and Austin apparently "bringing sexy back" caressing his own hair in the mirror. (Maybe we should cut back on how much we tell him how gorgeous he is.) The picture of Austin is blurry and that is due to the fact that somewhere between finding them like this, running to get my camera and prepping to take the pictures even I managed to get toothpaste on the lens of my camera. What you can't see is the toothpaste covering, and I do mean covering, the mirrors and floor. Gal darn, toothpaste is sticky! Who knew, I mean it turns to bubbles when you put it on your teeth, but try to wipe it off a mirror and it's like wiping a newborns heiny after their first BM.
Then, the other day Dave goes to get the boys out of their room at an all to early hour and finds Austin standing on his dresser. I freaked out and told Dave we must get rid of the dresser and everything in their room. They can sleep on nap mats like I used to in kindergarten, after all that is safest! "It's not worth it!" I said in a wavering voice (more like screaming because the face my husband was giving me did not sit well) So I thought about a plan for some time and who would have thought my brainiac self would have ever invented a baby proofing gadget like THIS:
Feel free to gank it and use it in your own home. It may be ghetto fab, but guess what? It works. He cannot use the drawers to climb on the dresser. Nevermind that the dresser is useless, given that I am not unraveling ALL of that mess to get into it, but at least they still have a piece of furniture left in their room that I feel won't cause bodily harm at this time. Although I have no doubt they will find something else to screw with.
Finally, there's my nudist, who cannot keep a diaper on for annnyyythhingg! We have tried the zip up jammies, button up jammies, backwards jammies, you name it and we have done it. So now, we have resorted to THIS:
Yep, duct tape. Works like a friggin charm! I think I have just found my "mother invention" that I always say I am going to come up with and make millions. Diapers that already come prepped and ready with a strip of duct tape on them. Then I don't have to remember after forgetting, just before the last nights diaper change. Only to have to put Austin down, go find a pair of scissors, cut a piece of tape off, to then chase him around once more to tape the diaper and put on his jammies.
Oh' except I don't have time to invent anything so someone feel free to steal my idea because at this point the pre made diapers are more important than the millions. Did I just say that... =)
Wow, BOYS! I am tired just writing all of this. Imagine being me; having to invent, clean, chase and rig all that I have just written about. Whew! Time for a happy nap!