And so.... I just got a phone call asking if we would like to have our hero of a boy be on the cover of our local special needs magazine.  I was like a little girl on Christmas morning trying to contain her excitement.  I wanted to be like "omg omg, yessss, eeeeee!" to the lady, but rather simply said "we would be honored, thank you so much." You know cause I am all kinds of composed like that ; )

I don't know why this means so much to me.  I guess because my entire mission in life is to raise amazing children and help spread Paxtons story so he can help people going through the same thing.  What I would have given to have some inkling of what I was headed into.  When I think back to those months in the hospital now, it all seems like a foggy dream.  It rips my heart out to think about it and makes me want to stand up scream "Hollaaa!" all at the same time.  I know there is worse out there... I do, but seeing your four day old newborn with his chest cut open, medically paralyzed is about as traumatizing as it gets. Yet, I had no choice but to do it.  There was no option but to get up and face every single day head on for my son. So when I look back I do shout a little "Hollaaa!" to both Pax and myself for  making it through the single hardest time of our lives.

Oh... but the gifts it also offers.  The relishing every moment gift. The grateful to be here for one more day gifts.  The ability to find the mundane things, simply amazing. The ability to learn just how bada*# you can be when you have to be.

Don't get me wrong, this journey has been hell on wheels for our son, for our family and for my husband and I, but we pushed through it.  We hit rock bottom, picked ourselves up and moved forward.
So, yes my boo bear being on the cover of a magazine is well...epic to me.  I am proud I sent that picture in and even more proud that his story struck the hearts of the publisher. Of course, we can't leave out the fact that Paxton is insanely gorgeous and will rock his ahem... wait for it....... photo shoot next week.

It will not end here. I promise you all that.

Oh happy day!


I have been a bit of a world traveler this Summer.  Ok truth is I have been to South Carolina and around Florida, not so much world per say, but enough to do a girl some good.  As always SC brings it.  And with me... I brought Austin. Our oldest.  He. was. straight. up. in. heaven.  He felt all "grown up" like going on airplanes and enduring layovers whilst watching movies on his I Pad.  Really though to be a West boy.  I saw my future as we sat beside each other in seats E and F.  I wanted to snuggle with him and kept trying to hold hands and he was all like "mom can you please stop touching me..."  Gahhh! Kids not even 5 yet.  He felt like a big boy so I let him.  I know he will always be back for more and when we cuddled up to "nuggle" in Grammys bed his "grown up" status disappeared.

He played with dogs (and even pretended to be one whilst crawling in the crate and barking), he watered plants, he played in sprinklers, he stayed up late and enjoyed every single minute of Mommy one on one time.  As did I.  Those are the moments he will never forget.  And Gram, as usual was amazing. She had presents prepared, snacks lined up and most of all Grandma wisdom to share.  And when the night hours crept in, us girls would sit on the couch and well...not shut up. We talked and talked and it was good for the friggin' soul.

Jack, my godson, is enormous and gorgeous and so smart. I held him, made him laugh that awesome baby belly laugh and smelled him until the moment I left. Ohhh the baby smell.  Heavenly.

I so happyyyy being there!

Oh and about those Canon lake June pics.  We took roughly 1500 photos. I am editing and cropping and hurrying to get that post up.  A-mazing pics I tell you.  Oh' the boys never fail me when it comes to pimpin for the camera.


Gearing up for school round these parts. Apparently we are late to start?? I dunno. That said though, I will have an entire day for writing.  As in no kids, Mommy will be working. I am so excited for this carved out time to blog and continue on with Paxtons book.
I. Will. Make. This. Happen.

Until next time friends!




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