So I can finally resume a sense of normalcy now that I am nearing completion of all 3 Fifty Shades....Although upon it's completion, I like every other woman to have read them,  will in fact never be the same : ) I am pretty sure we women around the globe are all in love with this fictional character of a man that could never actually exist and I can say that because all of like one man reads this blog anyway. Proving that "he" could never actually exist because I am pretty sure Christian would check this piece every single day for an update...

....Moving on.....

We have landed right on Summers home base and we are so excited. Lake June countdown has officially commenced.  We are already in Summer mode moving far to slow in the mornings and staying up a little to late.  For all the years I thought I never wanted my babies to grow from toddlers to sweaty, smelly, dirty little boys I can now say I retract that. I love me some happy, full up, dirty, smelly little boys.  They talk...a lot. Like grown ups. They call me out when I say stupid.  They notice if I have a band aid on and must immediately know what happened. They "fib" A LOT.  They sulk. They belly laugh. They play football in the pool with the "big" kids.  They hit up the beach on weekends. They go from sun up to sun down. So much so that Daddy has to be the one to reign us in and tell us it's time to end it. Honestly, he can be such a grown up sometimes...


Mommy and Daddy have been escaping for little dive, overnight vaca's the last couple of weekends and it's tease of freedom is promising.

...and you lake june...we will be seeing you in t minus 9 days...

...well hello there 50 shades of tim...
I most definitely sobbed at this concert too when Live Like You Were Dying and Better Than I Used To Be Came On... Like make up remover tears. Music. It gets me.  I looked to the sky and sent love up to Gramps in heaven cause Live was his song and man did I love that man and man alive do I miss him... And Better, well that one is self explanatory. Epic time!


My boys... They have officially completed another year.  Austin is officially a  Kindergartener.  Did you read that correctly.... KINDERGARTENER.  He graduated from VPK last week and I got all kinds of weepy.  I don't know why, but as I looked around the room I was most definitely the only one with misty eyes... I just can't believe my golden boy is turning 6 and going to big kid school. My sister and I keep reminising how it seems like just yesterday that we were driving to the hospital around 9 at night rocking out to My Love by Justin Timberlake.  As I facebooked the other day,

" I blinked" and here we are....

...blurry...but I love that face...
...that's love right there...


Life goes on whether I am ready for it or not... I have a feeling I'll blink again here soon and they'll be going off to college or wherever their dreams may lead them.  At which point I will require massive amounts of alcohol to keep me from melting into a heap.  I keep telling Dave they can live with Mommy as long as they want to and for some reason he just doesn't think that's such a great idea.  In fact he tells me every single day that it's time to cut the cords.

Ok. I'll stop now.  Maybe I am a tad obsessed, but who can blame me.

You should also know... Come Sunday...shit's about to get good around here!

Stay tuned....

Now, if you will excuse me I am going to get back to my Fifty!

Laters y'all ; D


cici said…
sweet boy kindergartner. Don't blink... he WILL be in College.
Love you get to spend time away with daddy.
Life is good.....Relax and Enjoy. It is much deserved.
God alive those blue eyes melt me every time!!! Do you photo shop them??? Be honest now, lol.

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