Finale. NEVER!

My oh' my,  every day that I swear I will find time to sit down and blog time slips by at lightening speed. I wind up looking at the clock going when did it become 9 o'clock again!  Paxton is obviously home from the hospital and I truly apologize for not at least having stopped in to share at least that much with you.  He finally started eating three days into our hospital stay and just as I was about to completely melt for lack of car and its ability to get me my McDonalds diet cokes, we were discharged,  praise God.
We even made it home in time for our Fourth Of July vacation week. And I do remember lying on the vinyl hospital couch absolutely positive that we would not be making it.... just as we have had to cancel two prior trips due to Paxtons health.  Not that I care, lord knows I would go to the ends of the Earth for my little nugget.  I am just so thankful we got to go and have fun.

The boys. were. in. their. glory.


And so, as the days passed by I realized just how much time had flown by since we had first started going to the beach house for the holiday week.  It made me more than a little nostalgic.

 Take a look....

(this is my golden boy just shy of two years old)

(and mason to young to even join in the festivities.  he was inside in his jams)

Or here, a year later....

(i am six months pregnant with pax)

then, there's last year when we were blessed with the gift of having our third son join us.  after all we had been through the prior year, this getaway was A-mazingggg!

( i feel like when you look at this picture, the joy radiates from me and that joy is finally being home, two open heart surgeries behind us)


This year we attended family beach week with more people than ever. Friends and family came from near and far to play with us. We all piled into rooms.  Food, kids, sand and people everywhere. 
It. Was.  Awesome.

HLHS brothers and best friends (clearly) ~ Asher and Pax

(The famous Morgs)

HLHS Moms and best friends (clearly) ~ Me and Ashers mom Charity

Auntie Lisa and Daddy

Morgs and Nanny Max ever my "person", bodyguards, DC getting, just get it, belly laughing peeps!

(nice combover max, just sayin....)

~And 2011's Grand Finale~

 (nothing melts my heart more...)

(pure joy at the sight of austin)

pax worked those baby blues and scored his first girlfriend

mason trying to hone in on brothers chick

um... when did I acquire a teenager? kid isn't even 5 yet and he comes up to my chest, as evidenced here:

 and in the words of The Black Eyed Peas :  I just can't get enough

austin declined attending the fireworks because they are to loud and chose to lay on the couch ringing my pink bell that has : ring for another drink inscribed on it.  Classic West right there!

my boys.  all three of them love me so deeply.  and it's all a girl can ask for. if they only knew the love i have for them...


mmm hmm.... it was that good.

and while our children refuse to show just how good our "acation" is here in this 100th attempt at a family photo, trust me when I say they had a bliz~ast!  And once again we made memories that years from now will surely have me looking back, nostalgic yet again, wondering where the time went.  So in the meantime I relish it all. The Mommy I love you's, the kicking, screaming, tantrum throwing moments because all to soon this house will be far to quiet.  We have one more "acation" in store this Summer and it's coming in two weeks. This one may take the cake folks, so stay tuned.  As always I promise I'll be back.  Maybe not exactly when I say that I will, but know it is because I am knee deep in my kids, and when time allows I will surely be back to update you.  

Love and Hugs~


ps:  anyone notice some similarities between these brothers....

      (Austin at the same exact age as -----------------> Pax)



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